Home Safety Products
At Home Safe Home, we take pride in the quality and range of home safety modifications we can make, and how much freedom and peace of mind that they deliver to the older adults we serve in Baltimore, MD. However, there may be times that you need something different. You may require additional accessibility that cannot be achieved with modifications and remodeling alone. In these cases, we can recommend and provide elderly home safety products.
The Wide Range of Elderly Home Safety Products
We offer a number of high-quality, specialty products within this category. They range from walkers and raised toilets to shower benches, clamp-on rails, and numerous other options.

Durable Medical Equipment
Most elderly home safety products fall under the heading of durable medical equipment, or DMEs. These are mobility and security aids that can be added to your home without the need for installation – they aren’t screwed into the wall studs, for instance. We make our recommendations based on an in-depth evaluation of your house, and your physical condition during our assessment of your Baltimore, MD, home.

Medical Alert Systems
Medical alert systems consist of a pendant or bracelet that you wear at all times, and a base station that connects to a live operator. These are important safety tools that add a layer of protection unavailable in any other way – simply pressing the emergency button will bring emergency personnel directly to your door.
At Home Safe Home, we offer elderly home safety products, professional recommendations, and guidance at each step of the way. Enhancing your independence and quality of life are our sole goals.